Announcements: 5 July 2024

If you would like to have something included in next week’s announcements, please email and include ‘Announcements’ in the email title. We are especially interested in submissions outside of Europe and North America.

Call for Abstracts, Papers, and Submissions:

Feminist Approaches to Human Rights (abstracts)
The workshop aims to collectively explore feminist perspectives on human rights studies. The event seeks to facilitate the exchange of ideas on substantive issues and methodological inquiries. The envisioned workshop will last for two days, with a focus on four primary themes: bodies and self-determination, feminist methodology, gender-based violence, and care ethics. The call for abstracts is open to PhD students and early-career researchers interested to provide critical reflection to the topics above mentioned. Abstracts of up to 350 words may be submitted in either Italian or English by August 9, 2024. Workshop location: University of Palermo, Italy – December 5-6, 2024. See more here.

Yearbook Series on Law of the Sea (abstracts)
This volume will delve into the intricate relationship between the law of the sea and the protection of human rights. It will analyse how the law of the sea shapes the interpretation and application of human rights legal instruments and obligations, including those that embody peremptory rules of international law. Within this framework, the volume will examine how maritime spaces and resources are utilised by both States and non-State actors to either uphold human rights law or to perpetrate, facilitate, or prevent serious human rights violations of international concern, such as crimes against humanity, genocide, human trafficking, and ecocide. Submissions are welcome in English and Italian. Abstract deadline: August 31, 2024. See more here.

Law and/in the Anthropocene (abstracts)
We invite paper/abstract submissions for the panels of the second conference of the Swiss Network for Law and Society (SNLS) “Law and/in the Anthropocene” and will provide an opportunity to explore the trajectories of legal developments and responses vis-a-vis the challenges posed by the era that is referred to as the Anthropocene. Such challenges include climate change and global heating, the loss of biodiversity, climate migration and refugees, public health, human rights, and, more broadly, the ’sustainability’ of capitalism. Abstracts of up to 250 words should be sent by September 30, 2024. Event details: in Bern, February 10-12, 2025. See more here.

Calls for Input:

Sign On: Academic Call for the Council of Europe to Recognise the Right to a Healthy Environment
Join your voice to ours: in the face of ongoing environmental challenges, academics, scholars, researchers and practitioners working on the intersection of human rights and the environment across disciplines on justice, gender equality, social and economic inclusion, the environment and climate as well as those involved with trade unions, legal practices, and scientific bodies have come together to call on the Member States of the Council of Europe to protect the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment through an additional protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights.

This letter follows the call of over 450 civil society, social movements, and Indigenous Peoples organizations to explicitly recognize the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment in the European Human Rights Framework. See GNHRE’s call here.


Leuphana University Lüneburg – Postdoctoral Researcher (Lüneburg, Germany)
Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Valentin Schatz, you will be responsible for the sub-project Legal and Institutional Analysis of the Legal Framework for Marine Protected Areas as part of the joint interdisciplinary project Integrative Mapping and Prioritization of Atlantic Protected Areas (IMAPP). IMAPP aims to develop science-based tools to support decision-making regarding the designation of EBSAs and MPAs in areas beyond national jurisdiction of the Atlantic Ocean based on a spatial prioritization of nature conservation taking into account ecological, economic and legal criteria. The project consortium is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Flemming Dahlke, Institute of Marine Ecosystem and Fishery Sciences (IMF), University of Hamburg. The remaining partners are: University of Bremen; Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI); Leipzig University, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv); Kiel University (CAU), Center for Ocean and Society (CEOS). Deadline: July 15, 2024. See more here.

Uplift – Senior Political Adviser (London, England)
As Uplift’s Senior Political Adviser, you will be a skilled advocate, strategist and communicator able to secure political commitments relating to Uplift’s mission of a rapid and fair transition away from oil and gas production in the UK. Your role will sit within Uplift’s Politics Team and you will seek to build support for ambitious climate and just transition policies within UK parliament, and UK government. Uplift currently supports the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Climate Change, and this role will also help to provide strategic support to the group. With a new government and parliament being formed due to the general election, this is an exciting opportunity to join our team to secure the UK’s transition away from fossil fuels. Deadline: July 21, 2024. See more here.

Assistant Professor in International Environmental Law (Durham, England)
The Law School seeks to appoint a talented individual to the role of Assistant Professor in International Environmental law. We welcome applications from those with teaching interests in the broad field of private law and who have a particular focus on teaching contract law and tort. This post offers an exciting opportunity to make a major contribution to the development of internationally excellent pedagogy and teaching while allowing unrivalled opportunities to progress and embed your career in an exciting and progressive institution. Deadline: July 22, 2024. See more here.


Climate Litigation in the Global South (hybrid)
Launching a cutting-edge special collection in Journal of Human Rights Practice (2024), the panel explores the politics of knowledge production on climate change law and governance, and offers novel insights on challenges, opportunities, and complexities in Global South Climate Litigation. Panelists: Melanie Murcott, Humberto Filpi, and Natalia Urzola Gutiérrez. Date: July 6, 2024 at 17:15-18:15 IST (13:45-14:45 CET / 7:45-8:45 EDT). Click here to register.

Asian Regional Summit and Philippine National Conference on the BIICL Global Toolbox on Corporate Climate Litigation (hybrid)
The conference will bring together judges, litigators, industry leaders, policymakers, scientists, and other experts to explore experiences, challenges, and opportunities in climate change litigation related to corporate behavior and its impact in the Philippines. It will critically examine the Global Toolbox on Corporate Climate Litigation, a BIICL initiative that reviews the litigation experiences across 17 jurisdictions, including the Philippines, Japan, China, and India. Date: July 8-9, 2024 at the Malcolm Theater of the UP College of Law in Diliman, Quezon City, The Philippines and online. Register here.

Inclusive Environments Workshop (in person)
The workshop will bring together stakeholders, policymakers and community groups to explore a new environmental justice framework produced following in depth research on behalf of the Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Commission by the University of Chester and the University of Derby. This Inclusive Environments framework is a recently developed tool for use by the public and private sector to guide when developing, implementing and monitoring environmental sustainability measures. It is intended to provide a resource which can be adapted for use by organisations and as such will develop and grow to meet the individual context. Date: July 12, 2024 at 12pm – University of Derby Law School. Register here.

New Publications/Releases:

Article: Climate Rights in Brazil and the United States: A Convergence in Contrasts, James R. May, Marcelo Buzaglo Dantas, and Luciana Bauer; Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law. Read here.

Blog: Chevron Overruled: A Devastating Blow to the Environmental Protection Agency, Freya Doughty-Wagner for GNHRE. Read here.

Book: The Art and Craft of International Environmental Law (2nd edn, paperback), Daniel Bodansky and Harro van Asselt; OUP. Purchase here.

Interview: Right to a healthy environment plays ‘key role’ in safeguarding climate – David Boyd interviewed by Isabella Kaminski for The Wave. Read here.

Report: Climate Litigation in the Global South: Mapping Report, Sabin Center for Climate Change Law. Read here.



