Announcements: 28 June 2024

If you would like to have something included in next week’s announcements, please email and include ‘Announcements’ in the email title. We are especially interested in submissions outside of Europe and North America.

Call for Abstracts, Papers, and Submissions:

The Crossroad of International Environmental Law Enforcement (abstracts)
The Scientific Committee of the International Conference ‘The crossroad of international environmental law enforcement: The instrumentalization of other legal regimes and discourses in the era of fragmentation and the Anthropocene’ launches a call for papers and invites contributions that aim to explore the current tensions and synergies within international law from the perspective of the enforcement of international environmental law. 500-700 word anonymized abstracts should be sent by July 1, 2024. The International Conference will take place in person, on the premises of the Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain December 2-3, 2024. See more here.

Graduate Conference 2024 – The Future of Equality (abstracts)
The Católica Research Centre for the Future of Law in Lisbon, Portugal, will be hosting the Católica Graduate Legal Research Conference – The Future of Equality on September 27, 2024. We welcome submissions from Ph.D. and postdoctoral researchers on the following topics: The constitutional/human rights-based protection of equality; The interpretation and application of equality in private law; Intergenerational justice and equality; The interaction between technological innovation and the protection of equality; The protection of minorities and fragilized communities and equality; The international and transnational implementation of equality; The legal-dogmatic meaning of equality. Submit your abstract (500 words max.) and short bio (100 words max.) to and, by July 7, 2024. See more here.

Ecocide, Human Rights, and Environmental Justice (abstracts)
Interest in the crime of ecocide has ignited in recent years, following the proposed definition by an Independent Expert Panel in June 2021 as well as subsequent legislative developments in many jurisdictions. To advance the dynamic conversation, the International Journal of Human Rights will feature a special issue on “Ecocide, Human Rights, and Environmental Justice”. Articles are welcome from a range of disciplinary perspectives, on any facet of ecocide, human rights, and environmental justice. We particularly encourage views from the Global South. Contributions will appear online and in the IJHR, and authors may also be invited to include their contributions in a book publication, if there is sufficient interest. Short proposals (300 words max.) should be sent to by July 26, 2024, along with a brief bio (100 words max). Authors of accepted abstracts will be informed by September 1, 2024, and invited to submit articles of 6,000-9,000 words by February 28, 2025.

Calls for Input:

Sign On: Academic Call for the Council of Europe to Recognise the Right to a Healthy Environment
Join your voice to ours: in the face of ongoing environmental challenges, academics, scholars, researchers and practitioners working on the intersection of human rights and the environment across disciplines on justice, gender equality, social and economic inclusion, the environment and climate as well as those involved with trade unions, legal practices, and scientific bodies have come together to call on the Member States of the Council of Europe to protect the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment through an additional protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights.

This letter follows the call of over 450 civil society, social movements, and Indigenous Peoples organizations to explicitly recognize the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment in the European Human Rights Framework. See GNHRE’s call here.


UNEP Finance Initiative – Just Transition Specialist (Geneva)
The role will include a focus on just transition in aligning the economy with climate and other environmental objectives, human rights, decent employment, gender equality, financial inclusion and financial health and closing the protection gap. The Specialist will work directly with the UNEP FI social and Human Rights Lead, but will also work with UNEP FI members, UNEP FI thematic, industry and regional coordinators, to support the UNEP FI’s social and human rights lead in rolling out the strategy in such a way that supports the practical implementation of the PRB and PSI by members, aligned with relevant UN frameworks including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The social and human rights strategy and work plan should be implemented in accordance with UNEP FI’s overarching strategy and the industry frameworks, in line with UNEP FI’s work programme agreed at UNEP FI’s Annual General Meeting and UNEP’s project document for UNEP FI. Application deadline: July 11, 2024. See more here.

OECD – Environment Economist/Policy Analyst in Climate Change Adaptation (France)
The Climate, Biodiversity and Water Division of the OECD Environment Directorate (ENV/CBW) is looking for an experienced and motivated Economist/Policy analyst to contribute to projects related to climate change adaptation within the Climate Adaptation and Resilience (CAR) team. The selected candidate will be responsible for the delivery of high-impact projects and for contributing to the outputs of an ambitious work programme as part of the EPOC Programme of Work and Budget and will report to the Climate Change Adaptation Senior Policy Analyst Team lead. Application deadline: July 14, 2024. See more here.

Lead Legal Strategist – Methane (South Africa, Australia, or UK)
This is a new strategy role within the Foundation for International Law and the Environment (FILE), reporting to FILE’s Director of Strategy Development, developing key relationships with other strategic leads on financial institutions, corporate accountability, justice, and narrative change, as well as FILE’s Regional Directors responsible for work in priority geographies. FILE recognises that avoiding the significant warming effects of methane is one of the most powerful opportunities for us to act in the short-term to significantly mitigate the impacts of climate change. This position will work to develop and implement FILE’s strategies to challenge and mitigate the climate and nature impacts of methane, with an initial focus on methane emissions in the energy sector and the development of future workstreams on emissions from the agriculture and waste sectors. We are advertising this role for candidates based (and with the right to work) in Australia, South Africa or the UK. Application deadline: open until filled. See more here.


Agricultural Pesticides vs Food Sustainability (online and in person)
Facing a global population that is expected to grow more than nine billion by 2050, agricultural pesticides (ag-pests) are increasingly used throughout the world to enhance agricultural yield. Nevertheless, the intensification of agriculture, through the high application of pesticides, also intensifies the loss of biodiversity and the production of unsustainable food as to harm the ecosystems, jeopardise human health, and undermine the enjoyment of fundamental human rights. Against this background, our international conference on “Agricultural Pesticides Vs Food Sustainability: A Need to Produce Ground-Breaking Knowledge from an Interdisciplinary and Dialoguing Perspective” will explore the complexity surrounding the regulation of ag-pests. Date: Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at 9:30am – 4:30pm GMT+1 at Queen’s University Belfast. Register here.

Symposium: Strategic Litigation on Climate Equality (online)
Litigation on climate change is occurring around the world at national, regional and international levels. Many of these cases raise equality issues pointing to the unequal impacts of climate change on a range of vulnerable groups, but equality law arguments are not always front and center in these cases. This symposium brings together practitioners and scholars to exchange ideas, knowledge and strategic insights on the use of equality law in climate litigation. Please join around 50 expert speakers in this conversation. Date: September 23-25, 2024. Register and see more here.

New Publications/Releases:

Article: Introducing an Analytical Lens to Investigate the Normative Dynamics Between International Law and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, Niamh Guiry; The Opole Studies in Administration and Law. Read here.

Article: The master key to international law: systemic integration in climate change cases, Monica Feria-Tinta; Cambridge International Law Journal. Read here.

Blog: Democratic Mobilization for Climate Justice in the Disinformation Age, Alan James Hitchner and Dohee Kim; Pace Law. Read here.

Blog: Gwich’in Rights are Caribou Rights, Kimberley Graham, ‘Powerless law or law for the powerless?’ from an International Environmental and Energy Law perspective, ABILA Symposium, Read here.

Blog: The Missing AI Conversation We Need to Have: Environmental Impacts of Generative AI, Rebecca Hamilton; Just Security. Read here.

Report: Global trends in climate litigation: 2024 Snapshot, Joanna Setzer and Catherine Higham; LSE Grantham Institute. Read here.


