2023 Summer/Winter School – Cities facing climate change: towards urban resilience

Date and time: Monday 11 September, 1pm-2.30pm CEST



When it comes to climate change, cities appear to be in a dual situation. They are both contributors and victims of climate change. This paradox reflects in a legal perspective: local administrations have a duty to protect their population in face of climate change and, in the meantime, are creditors of States and private companies’ obligations to fight against climate change. This brings a particular type of climate litigations against cities and brought by cities in which human rights play a key role.


Joris Fontain, Associate at Lutgen + Associés, Ph.D. Candidate at Sorbonne Law School


World Cities Report 2022 (unhabitat.org)

Chapter 6: Cities, settlements and key infrastructure | Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability (ipcc.ch)

UNGA Resolution, “Towards a just transformation: climate crisis and the right to housing. Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing”, A/HRC/52/28

About the ECHR case Carême v. France – Climate Change Litigation (climatecasechart.com)

Municipalities of Puerto Rico v. Exxon: a unique class action against fossil fuel companies presses for climate accountability in the United States – Climate Law Blog (columbia.edu)