Announcements: 12 October 2024

If you would like to have something included in next week’s announcements, please email and include ‘Announcements’ in the email title. We are especially interested in submissions outside of Europe and North America.

Call for Abstracts, Papers, and Submissions:

Environment & Urbanization Journal: “Addressing socio-technical assistance for socially and environmentally just cities” (expressions of interest)
The aim of this special issue is to discuss how professional practices can contribute to more sustainable and emancipatory forms of city-making. While today’s cities are characterized by unequal relations of power driven by exploitation and value extraction, they are also spaces where grassroots and civil society networks establish emancipatory and environmentally regenerative city-making practices based on principles of care and solidarity. Professionally grounded spatial practices often play a crucial role in supporting these initiatives by offering allyship and support to communities and their organizations. Deadline for expressions of interest: November 15, 2024. See more here.

Global Tipping Points (research session proposals)
These two-hour sessions should focus on a well-defined topic. Each session will include 4-6 presentations, with time allocated for questions and discussions. If selected, your session will be featured in the thematic guidance issued with the call for abstracts. As a convener, you will be responsible for organising and managing your session on the day, reviewing abstracts alongside the conference committee, and setting the session’s structure and format. The research session must align with one of the following themes: Earth Systems Tipping Points and Risks; Social-Ecological Tipping; Earth Systems Tipping Points Governance; Positive Tipping Points; Equity, Justice and the Global South; Positive Tipping Points Governance and Action. Proposal deadline: November 26, 2024. See more here. Event details: University of Exeter, England – June 30, 2025 – July 3, 2025.


Children’s Investment Fund, Climate Analyst (London, England)
The CIFF Climate team is driven by a vision of a climate-safe future for today’s children and future generations. We support the urgent global transition to a zero-carbon society. The role is dynamic and diverse. You will have the opportunity to work with a wide portfolio of organisations and grantees on a range of issues. You will provide programme management oversight, support administrative, research and engagement activities and be encouraged to contribute to strategy design and implementation, with the opportunity to manage and lead your own grants and partnerships. Application deadline: October 25, 2024. See more here.

Western Environmental Law Center, Climate & Energy Program Attorney (New Mexico, US)
The central focus of this position is strategic, legal, and policy advocacy centered on the confluence of the climate crisis with the federal public lands fossil fuels program and the Western U.S.’ transition from fossil fuels to a renewables-powered future. Given the dynamic moment we find ourselves in, this position’s focus and time allocations will necessarily evolve in response to changing political, scientific, social, and economic circumstances and opportunities consistent with specific organizational strategies. Application deadline: reviewed on a rolling basis beginning November 4, 2024. See more here.

Carbon Direct, Environmental Justice Association (US – remote)
At Carbon Direct, we dedicate our scientific, software, and business expertise to empower organizations around the world to take climate action. The successful candidate will help a diverse range of clients develop and implement community engagement plans that promote environmental justice outcomes in carbon management and removal. The ideal candidate will bring hands-on experience designing and implementing meaningful community engagement programs alongside expertise in environmental justice analyses and methodologies. We are looking for a knowledgeable environmental & climate justice professional who: stays informed about best practices in environmental justice engagement, understands how these practices apply within the shifting policy landscape and technological developments in carbon management in domestic and international contexts, and is committed to the implementation of effective, scaleable, and just climate change solutions. Applications will be examined on a rolling basis. Apply here.


Gender Parity on the International Court of Justice Bench (online)
With all eyes on the World Court, the overrepresentation of one gender on its bench is more visible than ever. Currently, 4 of the 15 permanent ICJ judges are women. This is a historic high in the ICJ’s almost 80-year history, and stands in contrast to the gender equal judiciaries achieved at other international courts. Equality on judicial benches matters. Key goals like access to justice, fairness, and the legitimacy of courts require gender-equal judicial benches. Judicial identity shapes judicial approaches to law-making. Women’s equal participation in judiciaries comprises part of the right to participation in politics and public life, essential to achieving the SDGs by 2030. With the next ICJ judicial elections taking place in November 2026, this webinar will offer reflections on what can be done over the next two years to finally achieve a gender equal ICJ bench. Date: October 14, 2024, 6PM CEST. Register here.

Climate Litigation is Also about Biodiversity (online)
In the lead-up to the CBD COP16, there is a growing concern about the risks of decoupling the climate and biodiversity crises – and recognition that actively linking them presents valuable synergies. This is also true for the climate litigation movement: precedent-setting climate actions are driving companies and public institutions to reduce emissions, and are increasingly holding emitters liable for the climate impacts they cause. However, a focus on climate and emissions potentially overlooks harms caused to the rest of nature – notably the biodiversity that underpins all ecosystems. This webinar will explore opportunities to unify biodiversity and climate litigation strategies. Date: October 15, 2024 at 9AM, London time. Register here.

Global Environmental Law Centre Short Course: Constitutional Law and Nature (online)
This is a fully online 6 week course. Seminars will take place on Thursday evenings. The course is co-developed and co-lectured by Prof Angela van der Berg (GELC Director) & Att Amy P Wilson (Adjunct Snr Lecturer, GELC & Animal Law Reform). Through bringing together fundamental concepts and topics in the converging fields of environmental law, constitutional law, rights of Nature, and animal (rights) law. The short course considers some of the most critical and difficult legal questions of our current time. The course will also include a guest lecture by Cormac Cullinan, founder and managing director of the Wild Law Institute and Judge on the International Rights of Nature Tribunal. More information and enrollment here. Dates: October 24, 2024 – November 28, 2024.

New Publications/Releases:

Article: Legislating for the future: situated health and embodied justice, Michael Thomson and Beth Goldblatt; International Journal of Law in Context. Read here.

Article: Situating Held v. Montana in the Youth Climate Litigation Movement, Daniel Ziebarth; University of Vienna Law Review. Read here.

Blog: Switzerland’s Refusal to Fully Comply with Groundbreaking Climate Ruling Undermines the Country’s International Credentials; Center for International Environmental Law. Read here.

Book: International Fisheries Law – Persisting and Emerging Challenges, Bjørn Kunoy, Tomas Heidar, and Constantinos Yiallourides; Taylor & Francis. Access here.

Book: Legal Challenges at the End of the Fossil Fuel Era – Shaping a Just and Clean Energy Transition, Daniel Iglesias Márquez, Clara Esteve-Jordà, and Beatriz Felipe Pérez; Springer. Access here.



