Announcements: 6 September 2024

If you would like to have something included in next week’s announcements, please email and include ‘Announcements’ in the email title. We are especially interested in submissions outside of Europe and North America.

Call for Abstracts, Papers, and Submissions:

2025 ESIL Research Forum – International Law in the Age of Permacrisis (abstracts)
The ESIL Research Forum is a scholarly conference that promotes engagement with research in progress by members of the Society in the early stages of their careers. It has a small and intensive format: no more than 25-30 paper submissions will be selected. During the Forum, selected speakers will receive comments on their presentations from members of the ESIL Board and invited experts. The Call for Papers is now available. To apply, please submit an abstract of no more than 650 words to by September 30, 2024 (13:00 CEST). Please find further details here

Editors of a special issue on Just Energy Transitions for Europe and Beyond invite scholars, policymakers, and practitioners to contribute articles that explore the theoretical and practical dimensions of just transitions. We seek contributions that examine both the conceptual foundations and the practical implementation of just transition strategies, including empirical research, case studies, and interdisciplinary analyses. Abstract submission deadline: October 9, 2024. More details can be found here

CIL-CLIMA Conference on theDecarbonization of Shipping and Alternative Fuels (abstracts)
The NUS Centre for International Law (CIL) and the Center for Climate Change Law and Governance (CLIMA) Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen welcome proposals for paper presentations for the conference ‘Decarbonization of Shipping and Alternative Fuels’, which will take place in Singapore on Wednesday-Thursday, 12-13 February 2025. The CIL-CLIMA Conference on the Decarbonization of Shipping and Alternative Fuels aims to examine the gaps in the applicable rules and regulations, and how they can be addressed to enable safe and equitable transition pathways towards net-zero through the adoption of alternative fuels. Abstract deadline: November 1, 2024. See more here.


Human Rights Watch, Americas Division – Research Assistant (Colombia)
The Americas Division of Human Rights Watch (HRW) is seeking a Research Assistant who will focus on improving human rights in Colombia. The Americas Division works to advance human rights in Latin American and the Caribbean and conducts a wide range of work, including investigation, report writing, advocacy and media work. The Research Assistant will preferably be based in Colombia and will report to the North Andes Researcher. Application deadline: September 29, 2024. See more here.

Occidental College – Assistant Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy (USA)
The Urban and Environmental Policy Department at Occidental College invites applications for Assistant Professor in the field(s) of housing and/or transportation related to race, place, inequality, and urban policy. We are interested in candidates who are scholar teachers who understand urban and environmental problems as deeply linked with increased inequality and how these stresses exacerbate existing social, economic, and political divisions. Application deadline: October 18, 2024. See more here.


Climate Week NYC (in person and online)
Climate Week NYC is the largest annual climate event of its kind, bringing together over 600 events and activities across the City of New York – in person, hybrid and online. Each year, business leaders, political change makers, local decision takers and civil society representatives of all ages and backgrounds, from all over the world, gather to drive the transition, speed up progress, and champion change that is already happening. This year, Climate Week NYC is being held from September 22-29, 2024. The event takes place every year in partnership with the United Nations General Assembly and is run in coordination with the United Nations and the City of New York. See more here.

Trade and climate change: managing policies on the road to net zero (in person and online)
Trade and climate change policies have become increasingly interwoven. Subsidies for green industries often provoke tariffs, such as US actions over Chinese solar panels and electric vehicles. The European Union’s Emission Trading System (ETS) has set an increasingly high price on carbon emissions. But if high emission industries like steel, simply relocate and European consumers then buy the imported steel, this “carbon leakage” undermines the original policy. To debate these issues, we bring together one of the designers of the CBAM, former MEP Luis Garicano, an LSE economic policy expert together with Maisa Rojas Corradi from Chile, a representative of the global South who potentially lose out from these policies. Catherine Wolfram who served in Joe Biden’s administration, will give a US perspective. Date: September 25, 2024. Location: LSE Old Theatre, London. Register here.

Climate Litigation and Vulnerabilities: Global South Perspectives Book Launch (in person and online)
This public manuscript launch is aimed at celebrating and drawing attention to new, innovative scholarship on climate litigation and vulnerabilities as part of the GNHRE Climate Litigation in the Global South Project. Authors will briefly present on their chapters to share the highlights of their contributions to the manuscript, Climate Litigation and Vulnerabilities: Global South Perspectives (edited by Maria Antonia Tigre, Melanie Murcott and Susan Ann Samuel, to be published by Routledge in 2025) for the first time in the public domain. Discussants will tease out key insights and themes from the manuscript. We look forward to welcoming you! Date: October 3, 2024. Location: University of Southampton, England. See more here.

New Publications/Releases:

Article: Turning the Tide on Remnants of War at Sea? Toward the Principles for Protection of the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflicts, Kimberley Graham, The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law. Read here.

Book: Human Rights and Environmental Sustainability in State-Owned Enterprises, edited By Judith Schönsteiner and Markus Krajewski, Routledge. Purchase here.

Book: Making Nature Social: Towards a Relationship with Nature, Rembrandt Zegers. Purchase here.

Encyclopedia Entry: Environment and Human Rights, Annalisa Savaresi, The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law. Open access until the end of October. Read here.

ReportEarth Law Futures. Insights from Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia on the implementation of rights of nature, ecological legal personhood and ‘living entity’ laws and policies. Susie Talbot, Anima Mundi Law Initiative. Read here.



