Category: Blog

  • Decarbonization of International Shipping: Importance of Alternative ‘Green’ Fuels

    Decarbonization of International Shipping: Importance of Alternative ‘Green’ Fuels

    by Joel Ong Jie Hao,* a Research Assistant at the Oceans Law and Policy Programme at the Centre for International Law (CIL), National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore. This publication is supported by the MPA-CIL Oceans Governance Research Programme 2023 funded by the Singapore Maritime Institute (SMI-2023-MA-03). International shipping is a significant source of carbon…

  • Landmark Court Decision on Right to a Healthy Environment: La Oroya v Peru

    Landmark Court Decision on Right to a Healthy Environment: La Oroya v Peru

    By David Boyd, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment. “Environmental degradation can cause irreparable damage to human beings, which is why a healthy environment is a fundamental right for the existence of humanity.” – Inter-American Court of Human Rights, 2024 The Inter-American Court of Human Rights handed down a landmark decision on Friday, March…